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Smart Solar Tracker – Reports and efficiency

Smart Solar Tracker – Reports and efficiency

Some views of home assistant generated data and reports

Here is an example of production data from the solar tracker using MQTT for tracker management and Shelly for consumption / production analysis.

Tracker data (in french):

Production data (in french) :

Tracker vs roof panels :

As you can see tracker panels production is way better than roof panels.

403 kwh for 800w of tracker panels vs 627kwh for 1500w of roof panels.

Production 0.5037 / watt crete of tracker panel

Production 0.418 kwh / watt crete of roof panel

Tracker production is better by about 20% versus static panels. Avatar
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Aurélien Bordinat

I am a french computer engineer, adept of DIY, home automation and new technologies. When i’m not busy trail running, i spend some time prototyping.