Posted On Smart Solar Tracker
Smart Solar Tracker – Web interface
Some details about the interface of the tracker. Tracker is connected to my home network using Wifi. I can access its interface localy or using…
Posted On MultiSensor
ESPHome MultiSensor – Temperature and air pressure
This time we will use a BMP280 for temperature and air pressure. As usual, connect SDA / SCL / VCC and ground to the adequate…
Posted On Programming
MQTT – Publish your own arduino / ESP sensor data
Today we will learn how to publish the data of our home made sensor to Home Assistant MQTT broker. To send data to a broker…
Posted On MultiSensor
ESPHome MultiSensor – Simple LED Indicator
Now let’s configure a simple LED module to make an easy on / off light indicator. LED Module needed : Plug GND to GND, VCC…
Posted On MultiSensor
Home Assistant – Automation based on the color of an RGB light
It’s difficult finding documentation about making an Home Assistant automation based on the color of a RGB light. I finaly found a way to make…
Posted On MultiSensor
ESPHome MultiSensor – RGB LED Indicator
We are going to add an RGB indicator to our MultiSensor project. The module i used is a HW-479 also know as KY-016 . Parts…
Posted On Scripting
Powershell script to restart a service based on the ping of multiple IP addresses
Had a specific request from a customer, who needed to restart an application service based on the status of its industrial machines. This application service…
Posted On Smart Solar Tracker
Smart Solar Tracker – The Project
The aim of this project is to make a functional wifi connected solar tracker. The brain of the project will be an ESP8266 with associated…

Aurélien Bordinat
I am a french computer engineer, adept of DIY, home automation and new technologies. When i’m not busy trail running, i spend some time prototyping.